Happy Hours
The Paleo Data Working Group “happy hours” are informal, biweekly discussions about various different topics, including those related to data standards for paleontology collections, digitizing collections, and general collections management. Discussion topics are collaboratively developed, presented, and discussed by working group members, and supplemented with invited speakers when appropriate. No registration is required and anyone is welcome to attend. Happy hours occur every other Thursday at 12pm Eastern (UTC-5), and the Zoom link to join is distributed via our email list and Slack workspace prior to each meeting.
2025 - Upcoming
- 2025-03-13, Case study on modeling and sharing data from the Amoco Collection (notes)
- 2025-03-27, Connecting specimens and archival materials (notes)
- 2025-04-10, How to share collection workflows FAIRly with Zenodo (notes)
- 2025-04-24, TBD (notes)
- 2025-05-08, TBD
- 2025-05-22, TBD
- 2025-06-05, TBD
- 2025-06-19, TBD
2025 - Past
- 2025-02-27, Digital data storage options for paleo data archives (notes)
- 2025-02-13, Digitization in the form of collection inventories (notes)(recording)
- 2025-01-30, Physical collection storage tracking methods (notes)(recording)
- 2025-01-16, Check-in about happy hour topics and goals for 2025 (notes)(recording)
2024 - Past
- 2024-12-12, Holiday social hour
- 2024-11-14, Darwin Core Review (notes)(recording)
- 2024-10-31, GEO OSE Project Updates (notes)(recording)
- 2024-10-17, Fossil dating standards for identification, reproduction and CAREful data management, Part II (notes)(recording)
- 2024-10-03, Open discussion (notes)(recording)
- 2024-09-19, Fossil dating standards for identification, reproduction and CAREful data management, Part I (notes)(recording)
- 2024-08-22, Archival-grade materials and conservation resources (notes)(recording)
- 2024-08-08, Open discussion (notes)(recording)
- 2024-07-25, Open discussion (notes)(recording)
- 2024-07-11, Minimum Information about a Digital Specimen - MIDS (notes)(recording)
- 2024-06-27, Recap from the North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC) (notes)(recording)
- 2024-06-13, Revisiting preparations data, Part I (notes)(recording)
- 2024-05-30, Open discussion (notes)(recording)
- 2024-05-16, Casts (notes)(recording)
- 2024-05-02, Recap from meeting with Catalog of Life (COL) and GBIF (notes)(recording)
- 2024-04-18, Revisiting morphology and anatomy data (notes)(recording)
- 2024-04-04, Microfossils (notes)(recording)
- 2024-03-21, Ichnotaxonomy (notes)(recording)
- 2024-03-07, Extended Specimen, Part II (notes)(recording)
- 2024-02-22, Shared data stewardship (notes)(recording)
- 2024-02-08, Extended Specimen, Part I (notes)(recording)
- 2024-01-25, What are you working on this year? (notes)(recording)
- 2024-01-11, Welcome to PDWG 2024! (notes)(recording)
2023 - Past
- 2023-12-14, Holiday social hour
- 2023-11-30, Brainstorming session on inventorying and sharing collector label information (notes)(recording)
- 2023-11-16, Stratigraphy in the Geo Compound Specimen Model (notes)(recording)
- 2023-11-02, Reconciling taxonomy in OpenRefine with GlobalNames (notes)(recording)
- 2023-10-26, Conference season recap (notes)(recording)
- 2023-10-05, Paleo digitization workflows (notes)(recording)
- 2023-09-21, Open discussion (notes)
- 2023-09-07, GeoCASe (notes)(recording)
- 2023-07-27, Revisiting people data (notes)(recording)
- 2023-07-13, GBIF Unified Data Model for paleo (and geo) specimens (notes)(recording)
- 2023-06-29, The Compound Specimen (notes)(recording)
- 2023-06-15, Update from the SPNHC Federal Collections Committee (notes)(recording)
- 2023-05-18, Digital assets - 2D (notes)(recording)
- 2023-05-04, Open discussion (notes)
- 2023-04-20, Digital assets - 3D (notes)(recording)
- 2023-04-06, IGSN IDs with Rorie Edmunds from DataCite (notes)(recording)
- 2023-03-23, Taxonomy (notes)(recording)
- 2023-03-09, Latimer Core (notes)(recording)
- 2023-02-23, Taxonomy (notes)(recording)
- 2023-02-09, MorphoSource (notes)(recording)
- 2023-01-26, Taxonomy (notes)(recording)
- 2023-01-12, Check-in about happy hour topics and goals for 2023 (notes)(recording)
2022 - Past
- 2022-12-15, Holiday social hour
- 2022-12-01, Working group feedback on new website (notes)(recording)
- 2022-11-17, Taxonomic identifications (notes)(recording)
- 2022-11-03, Extending the conversation: Extinct Taxa in an Extant World (notes)(recording)
- 2022-10-20, Conference catch-up: BioDigiCon, GSA, TDWG, SVP (notes)(recording)
- 2022-10-06, Wrap up from Wikidata workshop part II (notes)(recording)
- 2022-09-22, Drafting data models for paleo collecting sites and expeditions (notes)(recording)
- 2022-09-08, Regrouping and looking ahead to the rest of 2022 (notes)(recording)
- 2022-08-23, Open deliverable working session
- 2022-08-09, Open deliverable working session, including a demo of new Wikidata integrations in CollectiveAccess )(recording)
- 2022-07-26, Open deliverable working session
- 2022-07-12, Open deliverable working session
- 2022-06-28, Post-SPNHC/mid-year check-in (notes)(recording)
- 2022-06-14, Review action items related to geologic context data (notes)
- 2022-05-31, Managing taxonomic data in TaxonWorks (notes)(recording)
- 2022-05-17, Working session for identifiers (notes)(recording)
- 2022-05-03, Review of implementation guidelines for georeferencing data (notes)(recording)
- 2022-04-19, Working session for geologic context data (notes)(recording)
- 2022-04-05, Working session for morphology data (notes)(recording)
- 2022-03-22, Working session for preparation data (notes)(recording)
- 2022-03-08, Updates (notes)(recording)
- 2022-02-22, Working session for taxonomic data, Part II (notes)(recording)
- 2022-02-08, Working session for taxonomic data, Part I (notes)(recording)
- 2022-01-25, Managing collections identifiers and metadata in the GBIF Registry of Scientific Collections (notes)(recording)
- 2022-01-11, 2022 Roadmap: Wikidata workshop series, DwC topical working groups (notes)(recording)
2021 - Past
- 2021-12-16, Holiday social time!
- 2021-12-02, Working session on recommendations for use of Darwin Core terms in paleo collections (notes)(recording)
- 2021-11-18, Working session to plan wikidata workshop (recording)
- 2021-11-04, Identifying connections between earlier Happy Hour topics and action items (notes)(recording)
- 2021-10-07, Digital assets and copyright vs. usage rights (notes)(recording)
- 2021-09-09, Sharing data about interactions in the fossil record (with GloBI) (notes)(recording)
- 2021-08-26, Managing trace fossils and trackways (incl. ichnotaxonomy, cataloging trace fossils, quantifying trace fossils, publishing associations between traces and other organisms, etc.) (notes)(recording)
- 2021-08-12, Managing plastercasts, murals, and other non-specimen objects (notes)(recording)
- 2021-07-29, Bias in paleo collections (notes)(recording)
- 2021-07-15, open Zoom room to talk about whatever people want (notes)
- 2021-07-01, open Zoom room to talk about whatever people want (notes)
- 2021-06-17, Evaluating vocabulary for describing relationships between fossil specimens (notes)(recording)
- 2021-06-03, Overview of the Paleobotany Database (PBOT) project (notes)(recording)
- 2021-05-20, open Zoom room to talk about SPNHC and Digital Data conferences (debrief, discuss further, etc.)
- 2021-05-06, Further discussion on the new Collections Description standard (notes)(recording)
- 2021-04-22, Geography revisited (notes)(recording)
- 2021-04-08, Understanding the new Collections Description standard (notes)(recording)
- 2021-03-25, Getting started with wikidata (notes)(recording)
- 2021-03-11, Extra discussion time to debrief from February Happy Hours, and to plan group priorities for upcoming Happy Hours (notes)(recording)
- 2021-02-25, How the Paleobiology Database (PBDB) relates to our shared datasets (notes)(recording)
- 2021-02-11, Making people data discoverable with Bionomia and wikidata (notes)(recording)
- 2021-01-28, Tools and strategies for tidying data (notes)(recording)
- 2021-01-14, Paleo collections data resolutions for 2021 (notes)(recording)
2020 - Past
- 2020-12-03, Identifiers for specimens, localities, people, etc. (notes)(recording)
- 2020-11-19, How do we count things? Part II (notes)(recording)
- 2020-11-05, How do we count things? e.g. slabs (notes)(recording)
- 2020-10-29, Updates from SVP, TDWG Part II, GSA (notes)(recording)
- 2020-10-08, Updates from iDigBio Summit, TDWG Part I (notes)(recording)
- 2020-09-17, Taxonomy Part II (notes)(recording)
- 2020-09-10, Taxonomy Part I (notes)(recording)
- 2020-08-27, Citing collections data (notes)(recording)
- 2020-08-13, Preparations and Standardizing Anatomical Elements terms (notes)(recording)
- 2020-07-30, Stratigraphy (notes)(recording)
- 2020-07-16, Implementing data standards (notes)(recording)
- 2020-07-02, Georeferencing data management issues (notes)(recording)
- 2020-06-18, Tools for georeferencing (notes)(recording)
- 2020-06-04, Sharing georeferencing resources (notes)(recording)
- 2020-05-21, Public lands and sensitive localities (notes)(recording)